Tag Archives: marquel-martin

Marquel Martin: The Next Bachelor?

As Andi Dorfman continues to pursue love on  The Bachelorette season 10 and her new career as a full time Bachelorette alum , the rest of the world is looking to the future. And no, we’re not talking about who’ll win Andi’s heart,as The Bachelorette spoilers have already given that away. We’re talking about who will become the next Bachelor. From what we’ve seen so far this season? Marquel Martin is our pick. Not only would Martin help with ABC’s rampant and, frankly, obnoxious, lack of diversity, he’s an all around good guy. Plus he cried after being eliminated last night. Because y’all, Marquel just wants to find love, okay!?! He’s PERFECT for the job, for all the right reasons. In the combined 28 seasons of  The Bachelor  and  The Bachelorette , not a single person of color has been the central figure, nor have any of the winners. In 2014, it’s rather unconscionable of ABC not to put a person of color at the helm. It ignores an entire segment of the population and only makes the series more of a joke.  Ratings in recent seasons have plummeted, much like every love-seeker does over the side of a building or off a bridge on a “romantic” one on one date. While some of that is due to Juan Pablo Galavis’ unexpected transformation into a giant douchebag, part of it is also because people can’t relate.  Unlike Juan Pablo, ABC’s first attempt at being diverse without being  too diverse, an attempt which backfired horribly as JP became the worst Bachelor ever , Marquel seems like a genuinely nice guy. Contrary to the old adage, nice guys don’t always finish last. Or they shouldn’t. 9 Hottest Bachelors in ABC History 1. Juan Pablo Juan Pablo is extending a rose in this photo. We know millions of women would love to take it. While he hasn’t had nearly as much screen time as some of the other ousted contestants, viewers of Desiree Hartsock’s season will remember that JP didn’t have much either. He was basically there to speak a few lines with his accent, look hot without his shirt off, and make ladies swoon as he talked about his daughter. Other than that, he was pretty aloof and above the drama, which is why he seemed like such a good choice. Marquel Martin has risen above the drama, too. Handling his issues with fellow contestant Andrew Poole, who may or may not have made racist remarks about Andi keeping Marquel and Ron beyond the first rose ceremony, with dignity and assertiveness was a sight to behold, honestly, and one that only further solidifies him as a great choice as The Bachelor . But before he showed grace under pressure, he proved why he’d make a great pick for Andi Dorfman . During his first Bachelorette mixer, Marquel showed Andi and the world his fabulous personality with a cookie tasting, instantly winning our hearts even if he didn’t win Andi’s. From that point on, we’ve had nothing but love for the sports salesman from Las Vegas. He was continually a good sport during group dates, never sulking or being a crybaby about not getting a one-on-one. He made the most of his time with Andi, making her laugh and flashing that beautiful smile. Did we mention Marquel’s hot, too? Because he’s definitely that. In fact, he’s the total package.  What do you think, THGers: Should Marquel be the next Bachelor?   Yes! He’s totally perfect for the job! No! He doesn’t have enough personality to do the job. View Poll » The Bachelorette Season 10 Cast 1. Eric Eric Hill is the The Bachelorette contestant who passed away after the season, which has been dedicated to his memory.

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Marquel Martin: The Next Bachelor?

The Bachelorette Spoilers 2014: Andi Dorfman Final Four, WINNER Revealed!

Heeeere we go! Andi Dorfman resumes her quest for love and fame as The Bachelorette May 19, and we’re starting to piece together the details of her season. The Bachelorette spoilers we’ve learned so far hint at a multitude of charming, impressive guys and magical moments for the Assistant D.A. from Atlanta. But there can be only one final rose winner in the end. Who will it be? Andi Dorfman , 26, competed for Juan Pablo Galavis’s affections on The Bachelor . That didn’t work out, and she let him know why before she peaced out. Just as she slammed that proverbial door in his face, another opened. She signed on as the next Bachelorette soon after, and now the man, the myth, the TV oracle, Reality Steve , has posted his annual Bachelorette spoilers. What has he learned via his mysterious, usually accurate sources? A lot. His track record speaks for itself, and we love him for that. Come along as we reveal the men who will vie for the striking brunette’s love – and the final four who are left standing at the end! Which one will win it all? Just follow the jump for The Bachelorette spoilers 2014! Episode 1 (Los Angeles, May 19) Eliminated: Dr. Jason Leep, Rudie Baldwin, Josh Bauer, Mike Campanelli, Steven Woolworth, and Emil Schaffroth 19 remaining guys: Josh Murray, Pat Jagodzinski, JJ O’Brien, Eric Hill, Marquel Martin, Tasos Hernandez, Bradley Wisk, Brian Osborne, Dylan Petitt, Marcus Grodd, Brett Melnick, Andrew Poole, Chris Soules, Ron Worrell, Nick Viall, Carl King, Cody Sattler, Nick Sutter and Craig Muhlbauer Fun facts, odds and ends from the premiere and beyond: There will be no two-on-one dates this season at any point. There are rumblings about Andi being insincere or “acting.” Andi’s dad shows up the first night, unbeknownst to even her. So does Chris Bukowski (!) in an attempt to get on the show. Andi shoots down Chris, without even seeing him. Hilarious. Here’s a look at the 25 guys she meets the first night … The Bachelorette Season 10 Cast 1. Andrew Andrew is a social media marketer from Culver City, CA. Episode 2 (Los Angeles, May 26) Eliminated: Craig Muhlbauer, Nick Sutter, and Carl King 16 remaining guys: Josh Murray, Pat Jagodzinski, JJ O’Brien, Eric Hill, Marquel Martin, Tasos Hernandez, Bradley Wisk, Brian Osborne, Dylan Petitt, Marcus Grodd, Brett Melnick, Andrew Poole, Chris Soules, Ron Worrell, Nick Viall and Cody Sattler Episode 3 (Santa Barbara, CA, June 2) Eliminated: Bradley Wisk and Brett Melnick (rose ceremony); Ron Worrell (before ceremony) 13 remaining guys: Josh Murray, Pat Jagodzinski, JJ O’Brien, Eric Hill, Marquel Martin, Tasos Hernandez, Brian Osborne, Dylan Petitt, Marcus Grodd, Andrew Poole, Chris Soules, Nick Viall and Cody Sattler Episode 4 (Connecticut, June 9) Eliminated: Tasos Hernandez (rose ceremony); Eric Hill (before ceremony) 11 remaining guys: Josh Murray, Pat Jagodzinski, JJ O’Brien, Marquel Martin, Brian Osborne, Dylan Petitt, Marcus Grodd, Andrew Poole, Chris Soules, Nick Viall and Cody Sattler Episode 5 (Marseilles, France, June 16) Eliminated:  Marquel Martin, Andrew Poole, and Pat Jagodzinski 8 remaining guys: Josh Murray, JJ O’Brien, Brian Osborne, Dylan Petitt, Marcus Grodd, Chris Soules, Nick Viall and Cody Sattler Episode 6 (Verona, Italy, June 23) Eliminated: JJ O’Brien (rose ceremony); Cody Sattler (before ceremony) 6 remaining guys: Josh Murray, Brian Osborne, Dylan Petitt, Marcus Grodd, Chris Soules and Nick Viall Andi Dorfman Photos: The Next Bachelorette! 1. Andi Dorfman Pic A cute pic of the next Bachelorette, Andi Dorfman. She’s going to get the nod. Episode 7 (Belgium, June 30) Eliminated: Brian Osborne and Dylan Petitt The Final 4: Josh Murray, Marcus Grodd, Chris Soules and Nick Viall Episode 8 (Hometown Dates, July 7) Eliminated: Marcus Grodd! The Final 3: Josh Murray, Chris Soules and Nick Viall Episode 9 (Dominican Republic Overnight Dates, July 7) Eliminated: Chris Soules The Final 2: Josh Murray and Nick Viall Episode 10 (The Men Tell All, July 14) Episode 11 (The Finale, July 21) Eliminated: Nick Viall! Winner: Josh Murray! That’s right, Andi is engaged to Josh Murray! She didn’t know him before the show, although they both live in Atlanta, which likely played a role in him being cast. Beyond that … true love!!! Think their current places of residence will make it a lot easier on Andi and Josh? Or will they fizzle out before long in spite of that inherent advantage? Only time will tell …

Continued here:
The Bachelorette Spoilers 2014: Andi Dorfman Final Four, WINNER Revealed!