Tag Archives: marriages-cuz

Coleen Rooney Shitty Bikini Photoshhot of the Day

Her name is Coleen Rooney….she’s a WAG married to some footballer idiot and I’ve posted her in a bikini a bunch of times before….. HOT SHIT STAIN UNDER HER ASS CHEEK IN HER BIKINI HERE FAT POUCH HANGING OVER HER BIKINI WE CALL A GUNT HERE DUMPY IN A BIKINI HERE PREGNANT IN A BIKINI HERE STILL PREGNANT IN A BIKINI HERE EVEN MORE PREGNANT IN A BIKINI HERE I guess it is a good thing tha she is covered up cuz this Coleen Rooney seems dumpy as shit….and if you’re wondering why I’m posting these pics on a dumpy bitch in a bikini who no one really ever heard of since she’s likely the high school sweetheart of the footballer who he cheats on always…it’s simple…I’m a bottom feeder and if I see a bikini I jump like a fucking idiot…except when I’m out in public, in person, and hot pussy is all around me, as it often is, then I don’t give a fuck about it….it’s like I feel I need to post the shit to this site that I wouldn’t even care about if it was spread eagled in front of me….diddling it’s twat…. UPDATE – I Spoke Too Soon …. It Turns out this Rooney Bittch Decided to Strip Down into a bikini even though we asked her not to…

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Coleen Rooney Shitty Bikini Photoshhot of the Day

Linda Kozlowski See Thru Titties of the Day

This is Linda Kozlowski….She’s a polish bitch you probably recognize from such classics as Crocodile Dundee… If you’re up to speed on your 1989 gossip, this is the movie where she broke up Paul Hogan’s marriage of 32 years with some other twat….only to stay happily married to him the last 2 decades…so happy she attends events in nipple revealing dresses…likely in efforts to ruin more marriages cuz there’s this theory I call once a slut always a slut…and this is it in action….

See the original post here:
Linda Kozlowski See Thru Titties of the Day