Tag Archives: rooney-bittch

Coleen Rooney Shitty Bikini Photoshhot of the Day

Her name is Coleen Rooney….she’s a WAG married to some footballer idiot and I’ve posted her in a bikini a bunch of times before….. HOT SHIT STAIN UNDER HER ASS CHEEK IN HER BIKINI HERE FAT POUCH HANGING OVER HER BIKINI WE CALL A GUNT HERE DUMPY IN A BIKINI HERE PREGNANT IN A BIKINI HERE STILL PREGNANT IN A BIKINI HERE EVEN MORE PREGNANT IN A BIKINI HERE I guess it is a good thing tha she is covered up cuz this Coleen Rooney seems dumpy as shit….and if you’re wondering why I’m posting these pics on a dumpy bitch in a bikini who no one really ever heard of since she’s likely the high school sweetheart of the footballer who he cheats on always…it’s simple…I’m a bottom feeder and if I see a bikini I jump like a fucking idiot…except when I’m out in public, in person, and hot pussy is all around me, as it often is, then I don’t give a fuck about it….it’s like I feel I need to post the shit to this site that I wouldn’t even care about if it was spread eagled in front of me….diddling it’s twat…. UPDATE – I Spoke Too Soon …. It Turns out this Rooney Bittch Decided to Strip Down into a bikini even though we asked her not to…

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Coleen Rooney Shitty Bikini Photoshhot of the Day