Tag Archives: married-model

Candice Swanepoel Naked on the Beach of the Day

a> I wonder if Candice Swanepoel’s South African farm employees like her as much as the general public do… Or do they think she’s part of a rich, oppressive, slave driving family, exploiting them as they work the fields like migrant workers…even though they are South African natives…. But then again, I know nothing about South Africa, other than it’s the most racist of places in the world, where whites came in a mistreated black people, getting rich off the resources… Maybe South Africa farming is highly regulated, and they only hire registered workers..and pay them legally..because I couldn’t imagine rich white people fucking the system to remain rich…that could never happen…

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Candice Swanepoel Naked on the Beach of the Day

Bar Refaeli is Upside Down of the Day

There are billboards all over the city I live in, the city of french hookers and poverty, by the “communist party” whatever the fuck that means…of pictures of dead Palestinian babies…that read something like “don’t let Canada support Israels slaughter of Palestinian Children”… I wonder if Bar Refaeli and this pic since she’s Israeli based model who was recently married despite being tainted with Leo DiCaprio cock, something you’d think guys would be grossed out by…but that rich guys see as status, like “my wife was railed on coke by the most famous actor in hollywood, I must have agreat dick, and I’m so rich”….have anything to do with the dead Plastinians…because I know she’s murdering my dick right now…I mean…I’m the one doing the murdering…but her pic is part of the problem…. It’s really got nothing to do with her massive, old, married model tits…and more to do with her being upside down.. Upside down bitches, ideally hanging from things…are my porn… I blame the circus. The post Bar Refaeli is Upside Down of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bar Refaeli is Upside Down of the Day