Tag Archives: married-rich

Victoria Silvstedt Suntans Like a Proper Whore of the Day

Victoria Silvstedt is a hooker…who I am sure prefers to be called a high class escort…because there’s a different between a hooker and a high class escort who lives a fancy and decadent life cuz her only client is a billionaire midget who finances her life of luxury….and all she has to do is stay fit…which she does a pretty good job of considering she’s pushing 40…. Now I can’t hate an opportunist slut who landed a married rich man and got him to hire her, because she was a Playboy model years ago, and really what else was she to do….sure it is trashy, but at least she’s being trashy on yachts and not in the back of a truck in a strip club parking lot… I can hate her for trying to sue me at least once for posting pics of her midget billionaire, cuz that’s just mean spirited when all I’m trying to do is give her some publicity….but showcasing her skills….where I’m from that usually warrants a percentage of her revenue…. Who cares, these are awesome pics of her tanning, and I generally don’t endorse half naked old ladies… To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Victoria Silvstedt Suntans Like a Proper Whore of the Day