Tag Archives: marrying-corey

13 Celebrities Who Don’t Really Like Gay People

Plenty of celebrities are out and proud . Plenty of others are supportive of this. Not all of them, though. Here are some stars whose anti-gay views and comments have caused a stir. We can only imagine how they feel about the fact that gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states, courtesy of the Supreme Court deciding so in June of 2015. 1. The Duggar Family We can’t separate any of these reality stars out. Nearly all members of this family have made anti-gay remarks or even been paid to give anti-gay speeches. 2. Kirk Cameron Few celebrities are as vocally opposed to same sex marriage as former Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron. 3. Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson ignited a national controversy with his comments to GQ about gays and gay sex. 4. Isaiah Washington Isaiah Washington got the boot from Grey’s Anatomy, and pretty much derailed his own career, by referring to then co-star T.R. Knight by a gay slur … then doing it again whilst insisting he didn’t do it. 5. Chris Brown Chris Brown has dropped more gay slurs over the course of his many scandals than we can even remember. 6. Alec Baldwin The actor got into hot water with homophobic tweets towards writer George Stark, then in a separate incident, called a photographer a “c–ks–king f–got” which he somehow said was not a gay slur. View Slideshow

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13 Celebrities Who Don’t Really Like Gay People

Kris Jenner to Get Revenge on Caitlyn Jenner…By Marrying Corey Gamble?!

Ah, Kris Jenner. Say what you will about the Momager of the Century, she’s always full of surprises. First we thought Kris and Corey Gamble had broken up . Now it looks like the May-December couple is very much still (or back) together. Even weirder, Radar Online is reporting that Kris and Corey are getting married , Weirder still , sources are claiming that Kris’ motivation isn’t her love for Corey, but her desire for sweet, sweet revenge on her ex, Caitlyn Jenner. “Kris wants to marry him, but not because she actually loves this man,” one insider says. “She is doing this to spite Caitlyn rather than because of her love for Corey.” Yes, if you didn’t already know – Kris and and Caitlyn have beef .  Sure, Kris says Caitlyn is “an inspiration” now , but that’s only after weeks of shade-throwing and claims that Caitlyn misled her when they first got married. Plus, there’s a rumor that Kris is insanely jealous of Caitlyn , and considering how much Kris works for the kind of attention that Caitlyn is receiving just by being herself, we’re inclined to believe it. “Kris knows that having a televised wedding at her age to Corey will make her the center of attention once again,” the source says. “Kris told all of her family that she feels that Corey is the one, so no one will be surprised when this actually happens.” Again, if this were anyone other than Kris, we’d consider the idea of getting married as an act of revenge to be completely ridiculous…But you can never underestimate the Momager. View Slideshow: Caitlyn Jenner Photos: So Long, Bruce!

See original here:
Kris Jenner to Get Revenge on Caitlyn Jenner…By Marrying Corey Gamble?!