What does it take to find a rich, famous, attractive person a match? Hmm… Relationship Coach Candace Smith Talks New Season Of “Millionaire Matchmaker” The Millionaire Matchmaker is getting a bit of new blood this season. Patti’s new Director of Recruiting in attorney, life and relationship coach, and former beauty queen Candace Smith. She joins The Millionaire’s Club after years of working both behind the scenes and in front of the camera in the entertainment industry ON TOP of all her other careers. Now, Candace takes on the challenge of finding dates for highly successful and extremely busy business people and entertainers in the interest of ultimately helping them find love. We caught up with her to see what she feels like it takes to find a true match for the well-known and wealthy: Now you’re a well-educated, very successful former beauty queen. Surely you’re in a relationship yourself? No, not right now. I am single. I was in a relationship last year, but I am a person that always has to consider her non-negotiables — which everyone should. I want to be a mother, and when I brought up the topic of parenthood he said “Well…. maybe .” It was time to move on. What do you say to people who think your single status somehow disqualifies you from matching others? As the saying goes, ‘those who can’t do, teach.’ I guess you could say those who can’t [find a mate], match! Some of the best basketball coaches can’t slam dunk, some of the best acting coaches are not successful actors. I’m naturally a giver — I’ve been life-coaching since I was 21 — so I have always made other people’s lives a priority. I’m sure if I really took the time to take myself on, I could find the best mate. But right now I’m focused on matching others, and I’m okay with that. Why do millionaires and celebs need help finding dates? Aren’t people throwing themselves at them right and left? People that have achieved that level of financial success are typically very busy. They’re traveling the world, they’re in meetings non-stop, so that kind of lifestyle makes our services necessary. So you’re not just matching sugar daddies with gold diggers… No! We pair our millionaires with doctors, lawyers — people who have things going for them. We’re matching successful people with other successful people in order to ensure compatibility and stable, healthy relationships that eventually lead to marriage. That said, Candace also let us know that this season of The Millionaire Matchmaker is the most colorful one yet — “The really took a crayon to the show this season!” Peep an exclusive clip of Patti and Candace tackling the match process for date-hater Melyssa Ford, young player Romeo, and hopeless romantic Chilli, among others: So what general tips do you have for daters looking for “The One”? It’s been said many times before but really take the time to know yourself. So many people dive into dating without stopping to think: • Who am I? • What are my priorities? • What do I want to achieve in my relationship in five years? Ten years? • How important is religion/spirituality? • Do I want kids? Do I mind being a step-parent? • How often do I want my mate with me? Am I okay traveling with them or do I mind them being away from me for long periods of time? • Consider finances If you aren’t on the same page with a person, it’s OKAY to walk away. Do the work [on yourself] and wait for the right one to come along. Don’t keep just grasping for whatever’s available. Nice! Millionaire Matchmaker premieres Sunday, December 7 at 9pm ET on BRAVO. Will you be watching?? Bravo
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Bossip Exclusive: New “Millionaire Matchmaker” Candace Smith Talks Finding Dates For Melyssa Ford, Romeo, Chilli, And More