Tag Archives: maxim-outtakes

Hilary Duff Gives Me Sexy Eyes

These pictures of Hilary Duff at some lame movie premiere last night kind of threw me off a little, she looks good and all, but she looks different . I don’t know what it is, I recognize the chubby arms and all that, but her face looks off. Have her teeth always been like this? I have no idea what it is, but it’s driving me nuts. Actually she’s kinda got that drunk chick look about her… I like her even more now.

Hilary Duff’s Sweet Soft Hotness

I was really tempted to write a post about another hottie feeding the parking meter, I’ve got a thing for those chicks, but I realized that some people might think that that’s a weird fetish and I should keep it to myself. So instead I’m going to talk about how soft Hilary Duff’s arms are getting. Is that a better topic? I didn’t think so , but nobody cares what I think as long as they get some hot shots of Hilary Duff walking around looking kinda good….. I’ve thought about it and that seems fair. Enjoy.

Hilary Duff Is A Gorgeous Specimen

You may have heard by now that the rumors about Hilary Duff’s hot little body getting ruined by pregnancy are completely false, thank god, so I thought I’d show her off a little. Here she is looking so sexy and babyless out the other night in her cute little purple t-shirt. So now that we know she doesn’t have a baby in her and her vagina will be safe for a little while, if we could somehow convince her to get rid of her hockey playing husband we’d be in business.

Hilary Duff Is Wearing Way Too Much Clothing

I’m very disappointed with these pictures of Hilary Duff doing some holiday shopping the other day. I can’t see anything, what the hell? Alright so maybe it’s a little cold wherever she is, stupid winter, but I was hoping to see a little something. She’s still a cute little number and she and I have been together for quite some time now, we’ve been through a lot, so I’m just happy to see her. I know she’s married now, but that’s just a phase she’s going through, she’ll be back. Call me.