Tag Archives: maybe-if-other

Bindi Irwin to Teenagers: Cover Yourselves Up! Stop Trying to Dress Older!

Watch out, Kylie Jenner , you’re on notice. Bindi Irwin is making headlines this week for espousing modesty in teenage fashions. What a concept. In an interview with News Corp, a discussion of her personal style turned into the late Steve Irwin’s daughter commenting on teenagers’ fashion choices. She said: Bindi Irwin Criticizes Girls Who Show Too Much Skin “For me, I look around at a lot of young girls my age and they’re always trying to dress older. Whether it’s revealing clothes or hardly wearing any clothes at all, I feel really bad for them.” “A lot of times I want to grab these girls and say ‘look, in 10 years you’ll regret this . Just dress like who you are. Don’t try so hard. A pair of jeans and a T-shirt is just as gorgeous.” Not only that, it “even makes you look classier.” Or so this 15-year-old believes. Fans obviously reacted quickly and furiously to her comments. Popular Australian actress Caitlin Stasey, 24, responded on Twitter: “Open letter to Bindi Irwin, in ten years you’ll wish you stood beside your shared sex rather than be proud you belittled their choices & agency.” Caitlin’s tweet received plenty of hateful responses, to which Stasey responded, “Hey, to all coming to her defence by claiming she’s ‘only’ a child.” “Quit being so goddamn patronizing [sic]. An opinion is an opinion, and one aired publicly encourages discourse. People listen to her, the media is championing her.” “And I think her opinion, in this case, is damaging [It’s] less about her comments, more about the fact that our media is subscribing to and promoting them as truths.” “Using a young woman as a prop for your conservative agenda is truly appalling,” she continues, saying the media is oversimplifying the debate. That’s undoubtedly true, as is the fact that Irwin was likely goaded into discussing the issue for precisely this reason. But her message isn’t all terrible. Maybe if other young stars heeded her advice … this wouldn’t happen: 13 Disney Stars Gone Wild 1. Lindsay Lohan How many times has Lindsay Lohan been in rehab? Jail? The bigger and cuter they are as children, the harder they fall, apparently.

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Bindi Irwin to Teenagers: Cover Yourselves Up! Stop Trying to Dress Older!