Alexandra Smelova is the nude model of the day, because I realize there are more girls getting nude in photoshoots for fun, than there are girls getting nude for photoshoots that are paid, and often times the nude photoshoots that are for fun, are with girls a lot more interesting than girls who would get paid to get nude…. She’s from Russia, which is exactly where you’d want a model like this to be from, so that you could offer to buy her for a green card, provided her boyfriend isn’t some rich Russian mobster gangster rigging your election or doping the olympics, because the Russians are ruthless people with hot chicks like this to keep them all rewarded…. The post Alexandra Smelova Naked of the Day appeared first on .
Caitlin Stasey is some Australian on some show called Neighbors, that has been on TV for 50 years or more, that has created Kylie Minogue and other idiots possibly including Margot ROBBIE, Fat Amy, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Melissa Joan Hart and whoever the fuck else is from AUSTRALIA polluting our lives in NORTH AMERICA, like the THIEVING pieces of shit they were bred to be….Australians… This one, along with her trashy accent, her constant willingness to flash her tits on her feed for attention, has gone out there and posted her pussy lips to her 240k fans…because SHE IS AUSTRALIAN…and Australian women are the right level of trashy, willing to get drunk and fuck and this one I guess is trying to make a name for herself – with her pussy – I am a fan. I don’t know if this is actual pussy, but it looks like it probably is….on the right….if that’s not pussy skin…I don’t know pussy skin. The post Caitlin Stasey Pussy of the Day appeared first on .
Drunk Motorcycle Young Bull VS Midget Bullfighter Truck Takes Out Workers Tree VS Wind Storm The post Asian Bride Gets Groped and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Caitlin Stasey posted a picture of her naked and cuddling her dog – and it is so cute – because I like naked bitches on actual bitches….I’m into dogs, they are better than humans, more human than humans…and pretty much the best…. Caitlin Stasey is not a dog, she’s some Australian, with criminal ancestors on some show called Neighbors, that has been on TV for 50 years or more, that has created Kylie Minogue and other idiots and that has cycled through all kinds of low level actresses and made them famous in the native Australian land of trashy accents… And I fucking love Australians, even with their trashy accents, because as cultured, well traveled as they are…they still get fucking drunk, high, and fuck….they are the hot girls stripping down to their underwear at a party…just to have a good time with a bunch of dickheads…and that kind of attitude…makes them matter. It’s a modern day love story…and you know me and my love for romance…. So her’s Caitlin Stasey…naked again…because she likes being naked on social media… The post Caitlin Stasey Naked with her Dog of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
It’s impossible for Mr. Skin to be everywhere at once, so sometimes he turns to his friends on the internet to bring you the latest Skin approved stories from around the web! Warren Beatty: A Man-Whore’s Conquests in Review Fleshbot Caitlin Stasey topless in her own bed Taxi Driver Movie Sophie Simmons’ bare ass and more The Nip Slip Sofia Resing topless in LUI Magazine Drunken Stepfather Anthea Page topless hotness Egotastic All Stars Charlotte Cross runs a lemonade stand Boobie Blog Karlie Kloss bra top for Vogue Mexico Last Men on Earth Cosplay Spotlight: Yaya Han Double Viking … read more
Her name is Caitlin Stasey. She’s already flashed her tit HERE …because tits are now mainstream, like wearing a shirt but with nipples, giving the milk for free, because this is shit we as men used to have to work for… we just get it given to us…almost devaluing tits – but never devaluing tits…because as men – we adore tits…no matter how many tits we see…we’ll still be into the tits…so tits.. I guess what this is more than a set of tits, is a reminder that Australian girls, not just actors looking for fame and fortune and attention, are a lot of fun, with or without their tits…they just love being naked and hot…thanks to being built on a island of criminals in exile….makes for magic…and titty flashes hundreds of years later… God's Country A photo posted by Baby Lady (@caitlinjstasey) on May 9, 2016 at 9:38pm PDT The post Caitlin Stasey Titty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Emily Ratajkowski posted this picture of her on her instagram looking pretty fucking skinny, and busty, which I guess is a good thing because that’s really her job description and if she was anything but skinny, or busty, she would have nothing but a giant, weird looking belly button to distract from her bird face that I think is overrated, but that I also think was maneuvered really well to to this level of fame. I mean in ways she’s the Pam Anderson of this generation. Titty Model, to Topless Music Video Vixen, to getting cast in movies like she originally wanted to do….it’s like a modern day story of overcoming all obstacles she faced as a rich LA scenester with big tits..and fake lips…up against so many other rich LA sceneters with big tits and fake lips… I don’t hate what she represents, tits get hits, tits lead to fame, if you got tits, show them to me, it may work out for you, I just kinda hate her.
Caitlin Stasey is some Australian on some show called Neighbors, that has been on TV for 50 years or more, and that has cycled through all kinds of low level actresses and made them famous in the native Australian land of trashy accents, despite how much money or class they may have…that’s not to say I don’t like trashy Australians, in fact I am in love with at least one Australian, but it’s not this Caitlin Stasey chick I’ve never heard of, who is putting her ass on twitter like some kind of common hooker, it’s some other Australian who when you get a few drinks in her all she wants to do is strip down, rail lines of cocaine, gamble and fuck whoever is around…and as long as I am the one who is around…that is a good thing…it’s a modern day love story…and you know me and my love for romance….
Watch out, Kylie Jenner , you’re on notice. Bindi Irwin is making headlines this week for espousing modesty in teenage fashions. What a concept. In an interview with News Corp, a discussion of her personal style turned into the late Steve Irwin’s daughter commenting on teenagers’ fashion choices. She said: Bindi Irwin Criticizes Girls Who Show Too Much Skin “For me, I look around at a lot of young girls my age and they’re always trying to dress older. Whether it’s revealing clothes or hardly wearing any clothes at all, I feel really bad for them.” “A lot of times I want to grab these girls and say ‘look, in 10 years you’ll regret this . Just dress like who you are. Don’t try so hard. A pair of jeans and a T-shirt is just as gorgeous.” Not only that, it “even makes you look classier.” Or so this 15-year-old believes. Fans obviously reacted quickly and furiously to her comments. Popular Australian actress Caitlin Stasey, 24, responded on Twitter: “Open letter to Bindi Irwin, in ten years you’ll wish you stood beside your shared sex rather than be proud you belittled their choices & agency.” Caitlin’s tweet received plenty of hateful responses, to which Stasey responded, “Hey, to all coming to her defence by claiming she’s ‘only’ a child.” “Quit being so goddamn patronizing [sic]. An opinion is an opinion, and one aired publicly encourages discourse. People listen to her, the media is championing her.” “And I think her opinion, in this case, is damaging [It’s] less about her comments, more about the fact that our media is subscribing to and promoting them as truths.” “Using a young woman as a prop for your conservative agenda is truly appalling,” she continues, saying the media is oversimplifying the debate. That’s undoubtedly true, as is the fact that Irwin was likely goaded into discussing the issue for precisely this reason. But her message isn’t all terrible. Maybe if other young stars heeded her advice … this wouldn’t happen: 13 Disney Stars Gone Wild 1. Lindsay Lohan How many times has Lindsay Lohan been in rehab? Jail? The bigger and cuter they are as children, the harder they fall, apparently.