Tag Archives: mean-it-never

Autumn Reeser on Entourage, No Ordinary Family and Life During Pilot Season

Autumn Reeser has come a long way from playing the Tracy Flick-like Taylor Townsend on The O.C. The versatile character actress has spent the better part of this summer giving Ari Gold a second ulcer in her recurring part as the foul-mouthed and super-smart Lizzie on Entourage . This fall, she’ll ply her trade at family friendly dramedy in the upcoming ABC pilot No Ordinary Family , a sort of live-action version of The Incredibles . She also does a monthly stage show in Los Angeles and juggles going back to school. And you thought your life was busy.

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Autumn Reeser on Entourage, No Ordinary Family and Life During Pilot Season

James Franco is Twilight’s Newest Fan

Esquire has a new multimedia feature profiling James Franco, and there are two highlights: when he admits to his actor brother Dave that he’s never watched a single thing Dave has appeared in, and when he tells his Esquire interviewer that he’s currently reading Twilight (“for a project,” he clarifies). “It’s crazy how much sexual tension there is,” he says. “It just builds and builds. I mean it never stops. It’s sort of explosive by the end. Crazy. Like they’ll blow up with it. And of course, they don’t. Which is the point too, I guess.” [ Esquire ]

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James Franco is Twilight’s Newest Fan