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Bristol Palin: Getting Back With Dakota Meyer?!

Though some have said that Bristol Palin can't handle being a Teen Mom OG star , she has certainly faced her share of drama. But one element of her life seem to have stabilized in very recent weeks. Lately, Bristol has been talking — no, gushing — to fans and followers about her ex, Dakota Meyer. She says that the two of them have been doing a stellar job of co-parenting Sailor Grace, whom they share. And Bristol isn't the only one who's happy with their arrangement or raving about the other online. Dakota has had even more to say about Bristol. Are these two getting back together? 1. Bristol and Dakota are in a good place The pair of exes have had some difficult, trying times. That’s why they are exes. But from what they are both saying, it sounds like things are so much better these days. 2. Bristol gushed about Dakota During a recent Instagram Q&A, Bristol awarded her ex a glowing review. 3. Things are improving! “We have made incredible strides the last several weeks,” Bristol announced to fans. 4. She sounds over the moon Bristol added that she is “super grateful” for how much easier co-parenting with Dakota has become. 5. This is a very glowing review of her ex Bristol concluded that “it’s been amazing.” 6. Bristol wasn’t the only one who had something to say Dakota had his own words to share with fans View Slideshow

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Bristol Palin: Getting Back With Dakota Meyer?!