Tag Archives: michael palin

Exclusive: New Marty Feldman Bio Goes Behind the Scenes of Young Frankenstein

This week brings film buffs and comedy devotees alike the pleasure of Marty Feldman: The Biography of a Comedy Legend , author Robert Ross’s revelatory new chronicle of the turbulent life and premature death of the titular British TV and film comic. An aspiring jazz musician-turned-comedian known predominantly for the pop-eyed visage he brought to his acting, writing and directing projects, Feldman’s broad influence on British comedy of the ’60s receives a close look from interview subjects including Michael Palin, Terry Jones and, from tapes recorded for his unfinished memoir, even Feldman himself. But his impact hardly ended there — as anyone who’s seen Young Frankenstein knows.

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Exclusive: New Marty Feldman Bio Goes Behind the Scenes of Young Frankenstein

Monty Python’s Life of Brian Controversy Chronicled in New BBC Comedy-Drama

In 1979, church leaders and even some normal people clamored over the content in Monty Python’s Life of Brian , an excellent movie about a guy named Brian Cohen who’s mistaken for the messiah. Opponents claimed the film mocked Christianity, and thus it was banned in several countries (but not the U.S., where it was the highest-grossing British import that year). Now, the BBC is bringing us Holy Flying Circus , a comic drama that chronicles Brian ‘s furor in a bizarre and Python-appropriate format. Puppets are involved.

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Monty Python’s Life of Brian Controversy Chronicled in New BBC Comedy-Drama