When I was younger, I watched a movie called Sleepaway Camp, where the girl ended up being the camp murderer and she was standing there over her kill naked with her dick hanging out…from what I remember….the entire movie you assumed the girl was a girl cuz we didn’t know much trans shit in the 80s…and the dick was a huge shocker. I guess the same thing happened with The Crying Game, but I don’t pay attention to that queeer shit…then I got a job in the late 90s at a porn company, when VHS was a thing, and their number one category was Trans…so dicks with chicks were pretty much always real to me. It did stay with me, and when Lea Michele happened….I was like “that’s a Sleepaway Camp Situation”…that you could call a Jamie Lee Curtis situation…or a Haley Joel Osment Situation….that involves….parents who want their kid to have sustainability in the acting world…and if that means women hormones, because despite the MeToo Movement, girls have longer careers, especially when they start as child stars… So it has never crossed my mind that Lea Michele has a cunt….and now with face injections she seems really addicted to….she can really help perpetuate her lie….and then there’s the tits…shit she’s really made the full transition… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post That Dude Lea Michele Got her Tits Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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That Dude Lea Michele Got her Tits Out of the Day