Tag Archives: military-times

Opera Singer Files $2.5 Milli Lawsuit Over Episiotomy That Left Her With “Excessive Flatulence And Periodic Leakage Of Stool!”

We know isht happens , but not like this! SMH… According to NY Daily News reports : A professional opera singer has been left unable to perform after a military nurse allegedly botched her childbirth to leave her incontinent and with severe flatulence. Amy Herbst, 33, claims nurse-midwife Tiffany Williams carried out an unnecessary episiotomy at Fort Campbell’s Blanchfield Army Community Hospital, Kentucky, in Feb. 2012 without her consent. She alleges that the procedure — involving the cutting of tissue between the vagina and anus to help deliver the baby — damaged her digestive and reproductive systems. It also ruined the professional mezzo-soprano’s lucrative singing career and means she suffers intense pain during sex. Herbst and her husband Staff Sgt. James Herbst are now suing the government in Cincinnati federal court for $2.5 million for negligence, pain and suffering, embarrassment and loss of income. The lawsuit states that Herbst was not asked, at any point during the labor process, about the possible risks and benefits of the procedure. “At no time was she asked to consent, nor did she consent, to the performance of an episiotomy,” it adds. Birth records do reveal, reports the Military Times, that the episiotomy was carried out because the baby boy’s shoulder placement was blocking his delivery. Following her release from hospital, the lawsuit claims that Herbst “began to experience fecal urgency and incontinence, including periodic leaking of stool and excessive flatulence.” “She complained she could feel gas coming out of her vagina and was also experiencing difficulty controlling bowel movements,” it added. A nurse then allegedly told Herbst that the attempt to repair her incision with sutures had failed and that there had been a “complete breakdown” of the tissue. Surgeons at Vanderbilt University Medical Center reportedly told Herbst she’d need reconstructive surgery but that it would not completely cure her condition. And, once the repair has been performed, she was told she would have to undergo C-sections in future pregnancies. With medical staff saying C-sections could risk her singing career, she has decided not to undergo surgery until she has finished having children. The hospital has not commented on the claims. This is crazy… It sounds like she really deserves the $2.5 milli!

Read more from the original source:
Opera Singer Files $2.5 Milli Lawsuit Over Episiotomy That Left Her With “Excessive Flatulence And Periodic Leakage Of Stool!”