Tag Archives: milk-the-story

Manti Te’o to NFL Opponents: Shut Up About My Fake Girlfriend!

San Diego Chargers linebacker Manti Te’o is so sick of other NFL stars harassing him about the fake girlfriend scandal he was embroiled in the year before last. Of course, Te’o doth protest too much, begging two obvious points: Yes, Manti was catfished, but when your online “girlfriend” supposedly dies and you milk the story for publicity, well, karma will get you. The more you react, well, the more people will needle you. Manti Te’o Speaks on Girlfriend The Catfisherman Te’o admits he was harassed about the situation “a few times” last season, but hoped people would move on. Suffice it to say, they have not done so. Just last weekend, the San Francisco 49ers’ Anthony Davis broached the Manti Te’o girlfriend hoax scandal, and let’s just say it didn’t go over well. “Asked Manti Te’o about his imaginary girlfriend last night and he snapped. lol I thought that was hilarious,” Davis tweeted after the two teams played. In response, “I told him, ‘Find a new joke,'” Te’o claims. We wouldn’t hold our breath if we were him. Manti Te’o Auto-Tune Manti was the victim of a prank in which a guy claiming to be a girl “dated” him online, but he then lied to the media in an effort to cover the whole thing up. Ronaiah Tuiasosopo (above, right) eventually admitted that he punked Manti, and not for any real reason other than he could, and well, the rest is history. Te’o saw his NFL draft stock tank a bit in the wake of the subsequent character issues this raised, but has secured a roster spot in the pros with the Chargers. Clearly he wishes people would move on, but the jokes are gonna keep coming either way. Better to let your play do the talking and ignore ’em, no? 14 Scandalous Sports Stories 1. LIAR! Lance Armstrong denied it and denied it, but he eventually came clean: yes, he cheated to win every Tour de France.

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Manti Te’o to NFL Opponents: Shut Up About My Fake Girlfriend!