Tag Archives: milked-the-fact

Joanna Krupa Topless Instagram of the Day

Joanna Krupa was a stripper looking girl who never realized she was a stripper…you know a high priced escort who took a few decades to get to the point where she accepted being a an escort…and in her 20s her sex working was more a “Glamour” model who really milked the fact that she was from Poland, because it made fore a good story when being interviewed for the shitty Glamour model type magazines that featured her over and over again…. Then she turned 30, people stopped caring, the men’s magazines she was in stopped printing, and her low level jobs were probably barely paying the bills, forcing her into the rich guy circuit…who like their “girlfriends” to be whorish models…that are published…so they feel like they’re investing into something other people have paid for..it’s weird..but good self promotion or marketing for these girls, who if they did back pages, would be treated with less respect… In her attempt to make it on her own, in the industry, she did some even went back to Poland to try to have a career there…before the miracle happened…a miracle called Dancing with the Stars…and all her dreams came true… It was at the eleventh hour…because she was pushing 40…and that opened doors to other reality shows people actually cared about…and I use the word people loosely, I feel like those people are shit people, who watch shit tv and barely have brains…miserable half retards who watch these people…horrible.. Now that that show is over, she’s left to taking slutty pics of herself…for her barely engaged or interested fans…desperation, even on old ladies, smells good. The post Joanna Krupa Topless Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Joanna Krupa Topless Instagram of the Day