Tag Archives: milkshakes-she

Aubrey O’Day Tits Still Trying to Be Black of the Day

One of the more confusing things about Aubry O’Day is how she’s trying to turn herself black. I remember reading about how she fucked Diddy and other rappers back when she was on TV, before everyone forgot about her, and I get that some girls are really into black dudes, whether it is to upset their dads, the size of their dicks, their powerful position in the music industry, the fact that they fuck fat chicks, or whatever other reason their is for a white girl to go black. See I like under 30 pussy, she likes black dudes, you like wearing women’s panties, we all have our preferences and I don’t judge anyone for anything that makes them happy…. I just find it funny that she’s found comfort in the fact that black dudes like fat chicks, so it’s allowed her to eat all the fucking milkshakes she can, so many milkshakes that the store made her the fucking spokesperson, figuring that a fat no name bitch with fat tits is a good look for their brand, especially since everyone’s so entertained by the fact they chose her that they are writing about it….I also find the color of her skin funny, it’s like she’s trying to turn into that orange shit color that’s worked so well for the Kardashians in luring black cock. Either way, here she is getting felt up by Elmo but more importantly showing off her stupid contacts that make her look like she’s cast in some bootleg Twilight softcore porn…but life’s not that good for her…and instead she’s stuck endorsing milkshakes… Pics via Bauer and Pics via Fame

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Aubrey O’Day Tits Still Trying to Be Black of the Day