Tag Archives: mind-lunching

Eniko Mihalik for Numero of the Day

Eniko Mihalik is a fashion model, who I think has done some Victoria’s Secret, but who for the most part has done nude or topless shoots thate you can see… HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE Now I don’t know when Fashion is considered fashion, or when it crosses over into erotica, because most of what she’s done is topless, and I really don’t care, I am a firm believer in telling girls anything to get them to let you take nudes of them, that you can keep on your harddrive to cross reference to masturbate to, anytime you need it… She’s Hungarian, I’m hungry, but I wouldn’t mind lunching…on her vagina, even though any war torn communist pussyhas seen some things I may not want my mouth associating with to escape… The post Eniko Mihalik for Numero of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Eniko Mihalik for Numero of the Day