Tag Archives: minimum

Britney Spears on Kimmel of the Day

In staying as repetitive as possible with yesterday posts…I figured I’d put up new pictures of Britney Spears, in the same fucking leotard outfits as yesterday’s free show in San Fran, doing the same dancing monkey routine, only this time for Kimmel, cuz mom’s in tight clothing is kinda my thing as long as I’m not the dad of their kids…except maybe in Britney’s case, cuz K-Fedding her worked out alright for K-Fed….. Point being, Britney’s got one act, one trick, she gives her minimum, she makes her family and latch ons rich, she’s been exploited to shit, like a teenage prostitute and that kinda of destroyed soul works for me…. FOLLOW ME Here she is performing….strapped up in a leotard: Here’s her dumpy mom body when not wrapped the fuck up and strapped the fuck down while squeezed in a leotard….

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Britney Spears on Kimmel of the Day

Gabrielle Giffords shooting victims

U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), who was shot during an appearance in Tucson, Arizona is seen in an undated 2010 handout photo provided by her Congressional campaign on January 8, 2011. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, 40, a Democrat, took office in January 2007, emphasizing issues such as immigration reform, embryonic stem-cell research, alternative energy sources and a higher minimum wage. Giffords was alive but in surgery at a hospital on Saturday after a shooting that also injured at l

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Gabrielle Giffords shooting victims

Thye Hua Kwan photo

One of the performances at the Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society TV charity show. The programme also featured clips of Thye Hua Kwan#39;s beneficiaries produced by MediaCorp artistes. Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society held its charity show on MediaCorp#39;s Channel 8 on Sunday night. Viewers can call in to make donations, with S$5 being the minimum amount. At the end of the programme, the show raised S$4,065,673, exceeding its initial target of S$3.7 million. More than 260,000 viewers called in to don

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Thye Hua Kwan photo

New 9/11 shocking truth revealed

An image entitled “9/11” by John Hutchison of New York from the upcoming book “Here to There: A Curious Collection from the Hand Drawn Map Association,” compiled by Kris Harzinski released September 13, 2010. Hutchinson of New York documented his route home from Manhattan to Brooklyn on Sept. 11, 2001, and wrote out the thoughts he had while watching the World Trade Center towers burn. As high-tech mapping services such as Garmin, Google and MapQuest make finding directions easier than ever, a n

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New 9/11 shocking truth revealed

Open Thread: Schwarzenegger Urges Minimum Wage for State Workers Till Budget Passes

As the deadline for a new California budget nears, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is threatening to pay all state workers the minimum wage until legislators in Sacramento reach an agreement: After enduring more than a year of unpaid monthly furlough days, state workers could see their pay cut to minimum wage until Sacramento strikes a budget accord this summer, according to a memo from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s administration sent Wednesday…The memo from Department of Personnel Director Debbie Endsley to state department heads said that “absent a state budget,” the governor would seek to slash workers’ pay to minimum wage until the impasse is over. Thoughts? 

Open Thread: Schwarzenegger Urges Minimum Wage for State Workers Till Budget Passes

Baron Black of Crossharbour still federal inmate after U.S. Supreme Court "victory"

In a stunning non-landmark ruling that is the legal equivalent of changing his name from “Joe Shit” to “John Shit”, ex-newspaper tycoon Conrad Black has had three of his four criminal convictions overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a ruling that will likely have little or no impact on what remains of his 78-month sentence. Meanwhile the lordly inmate cools his heels on the cricket pitch at his minimum-security country club in Florida. http://looncanada.wordpress.com/2010/06/24/conrad-black-wins-empty-victory-in-u-… added by: foolforacigarette

Dominique Dawes Earns Another Bronze for US Gymnastics

After the stripping of medal from Chinese gymnast Dong Fanxiao, US Olympic medal winning artistic gymnast Dominique Dawes earns another bronze medal. Dong Fanxiao was stripped of the said medal due to age falsification. “Justice prevailed,” said Dominique Dawes, who will now have a medal from each of her three Olympics and four overall. “My teammates are very well-deserving of the bronze medal, and I’m sure each and every one of us will be thrilled. We will cherish it.” Since 1980, age falsification has been a problem in gymnastics.  The minimum age was raised from 14 to 15 to help protect young athletes, whose bodies are still developing and on average still more limber than their older counterparts. The International Gymnastics Federation raised the minimum age to its current 16 in 1997 – three years before the fiasco with Dong Fanxiao. Although the title comes 10 years later than deserved, Dominique Dawes seems happy that she was able to receive accolades for her hard work. Dominique Dawes Earns Another Bronze for US Gymnastics is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Simon Cowell Will Pay Up For Victoria Beckham

Simon Cowell reportedly wants Victoria Beckham to be a judge on the U.S. version of The X Factor

Simon Cowell Will Pay Up For Victoria Beckham

Cancer: Actually Good For You?

This one genius on Fox posed the question: “Lowering Minimum Wage: Is It Better For Workers?” Let's help him out by coming up with some other cutting-edge ideas. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Google demonstrates quantum algorithm promising superfast search

Google's Foray into Faster Computing This D-Wave processor may or may not be a quantum computing device added by: poojam 0 comments

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Google demonstrates quantum algorithm promising superfast search