Tag Archives: minors-registry

Pervy Pedo Police Officer Convicted Of Sexual Assault On A Minor Only Faces 30 Days In Jail

This is outrageous… Police Officer Sentenced To Only 30 Days In Jail For Molestation Charge A Virginia police officer found guilty of multiple counts of child molestation has only been sentenced to serve 30 days in prison with 2 years probation for his crimes against a minor . Gotta love that police privilege … Via FreeThoughtProject : The special treatment a Virginia state trooper received, who was charged with with forcible sodomy on a minor, aggressive sexual battery and indecent liberties with a child, among other charges, will turn your stomach. Fauguier.com reported in December on the details of the charges and the subsequent outcome of the plea bargain. Christopher Allen Carson, 30, pleaded guilty to a felony count of criminal solicitation, a count of contributing to delinquency of a minor and one count of exposing his penis to a child. Carson also pleaded guilty to two counts of loaning pornographic videos to a child. Judge Herman A. Whisenant Jr. accepted Carson’s pleas as part of a bargain on the day Carson was to face a jury trial. Carson was originally charged with forcible sodomy, aggressive sexual battery and indecent liberties with a child. Whisenant recommended a sentence of nine years in prison, all but 30 days of which to be suspended, and two years of probation. As part of the plea agreement, Carson does not have to register as a sex offender. Also as part of the agreement, two additional active charges of forcible sodomy and indecent liberties with a child will be dropped. This man orally forced himself onto a sleeping 7th grader and he will only be going to jail for 30 days. Let that sink in. Also, Carson will not have to comply with Virginia’s Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act. This is completely fawked up! They can already legally kill whomever they want…is it also becoming legal for them to molest children?? SMFH!

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Pervy Pedo Police Officer Convicted Of Sexual Assault On A Minor Only Faces 30 Days In Jail