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This Is What Happens When An Entire Country Signs Up For Secret Santa

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Source: Mara Ohlsson / Getty If you work in an office, secret santa can be stressful enough. What if you have to buy a gift for someone you don’t like? What if the person you’re assigned doesn’t like your gift? Well imagine participating with an entire country. New Zealand is hosting their annual secret santa this year. Folks can sign up to randomly be assigned a person to send a gift to. Then they must send their gift by December 10. This year, the secret santa is getting buzz because even the New Zealand prime minister,  Jacinda Ardern , is participating. So you may have noticed I don't tweet especially often (I just lurk) but as a ridiculous lover of Christmas, I couldn't miss the chance to join the @nzsecretsanta movement. Registration ends tomorrow so feel free to join in my over the top Christmas cheer — Jacinda Ardern (@jacindaardern) November 21, 2017 You can swipe through to find out what kind of gifts people received last year.

This Is What Happens When An Entire Country Signs Up For Secret Santa