Tag Archives: models-shoes

Chloe Sevingny Models Shoes of the Day

You may not know this about me, but I actually don’t know any of these people I talk about and I don’t really know why I even talk about them because I genuinely don’t care about anything pop culture, or I guess “celebrity”, “fame”, “rich”…. I think it all went this direction of models and actors when I first started the site and no one would read my trolling Large Penis Support Groups, or other clever things that wouldn’t work as content in this era of social media. We’re in a world of people who don’t read anything but top 10 lists that aren’t even scientifically proven and just more like random 10 lists… That said, I know nothing about these people….but I do know that I never cared for Chloe Sevigny. Maybe there was a minute, when I was in my 20s and she popped up in KIDS where she got AIDS from losing her virginity to some player before being date raped spreading the disease….but that was just because I like sluts. She went on to become some hipster, artist, fashionista icon…and the whole time, she was barely interesting, but other pretentious people bought into her, allowed for her to bullshit them… Sure that meant she did some edgy roles in movies, you know trying to give herself credibility…like where she was a Topless tranny with a Dick HERE and HERE for some show she was on.. And more importantly, mainstream movie sex before it was a thing, by sucking Vicent Gallo Dick

Chloe Sevingny Models Shoes of the Day