Guess we’re not the only ones who thought Clint forgot to take his meds. In what was the oddest and most awkward moment of the night, Clint “Money Mitt Lover” Eastwood took to the stage and kind of made a fool of himself. The best part of this has been the hilarious tweets (even one from Obama) in reaction to the empty chair speech. In case you didn’t know, Clint was the “highlight” celebrity speaker of the RNC. LLS Images via Twitter
Did Paul Ryan make this good girl go bad? Paul Ryan’s Ex-Girlfriend Did Prison Time For Wire Fraud The plot thickens with Money Mitt’s official right-hand man Paul Ryan and his ex swirly-girly … via TMZ Now we know why Paul Ryan’s ex-girlfriend was so tight-lipped yesterday when we asked her about the VP hopeful … turns out she was indicted by the Feds back in 1999 and spent months in prison for committing wire fraud … TMZ has learned. Deneeta D. Pope — who made headlines recently as Ryan’s African-American GF in college — was indicted by a Grand Jury in November 1999 for allegedly swindling her former employer — Ernst & Young — out of $77,000. Pope pled guilty in 2001 to stealing a lesser amount, but admitted she inflated expense reports, fabricated receipts and turned in phony invoices. She then used a wire transfer to move the money from a bank in Delaware to a different account in Chicago. Pope created the scam by claiming she attended an educational course for work. Turns out … the course didn’t even exist. Pope served 5 months in Federal Prison. FYI — Ryan dated Pope approximately 10 years before she was indicted. They met at Miami University of Ohio in the early 90′s. Bad girls aint no good , but good girls aint no fun…..sing it Paul!
Well Damn. Looks like Juan Williams shocked his news anchors along with the rest of us after Ann Romney gave her speech last night during the RNC. Williams took heat from his Fox co-workers and even more criticism from conservative bloggers for his assessment of the potential first lady’s address Tuesday night. “Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann Romney, on the other hand looked to me like a corporate wife,” Williams said on Fox News. “And you know the stories she told about struggle, eh, it’s hard for me to believe. She’s a very rich woman, and I know that and America knows that.” Williams also said that Ann Romney didn’t convince him she understood the struggles of the average American woman and looked like “a woman whose husband takes care of her and she’s been very lucky and blessed in this life.” Of course Money Mitt’s team swooped in to criticize Williams’ comments: “We respect our colleagues in media and appreciate they too have invested a lot to be here to cover the convention,” a Romney aide said in a statement to POLITICO. “But, Juan’s comments are deeply disappointing: Not only were they unfair and personal, they were wrong.” They didn’t sound wrong to us but you know they had to come to Ann’s defense. Juan in the meantime defended himself this morning saying, “I think my criticism was aimed at the reality of the economics and the blessings that the Romneys have had,” Williams said. “They’re not average Americans, in terms of their wealth, by any stretch of the imagination.” If Mitt wants to try and pull any of us in, having his wifey up on stage looking like a robot isn’t going to sway our opinions at all. Source Images via Youtube/WENN/Twitter