Tag Archives: money-off-one

Achy Break Featuring Billy Ray with Twerking of the Day

So Buck 22 is a fucking genius…or maybe he’s just here to prove how simple it is to make things go Viral on the internet…all you need is a has been, washed up, relevant thanks to his daughter, novelty of a human who only made money off one song…that carried him through life…and that he’d be into re-packaging to make more money – because why the fuck not…because recruited Billy Ray Cyrus and a bunch of stripper girls dressed like strippers in thongs twerking to re-do Achy Breaky Heart… Fame is that easy people…at least when you’re Dionne Warwick (I say a little prayer for you)’s son…which Buck 22 is…and if growing up rich in Beverly Hills spoiled by your rich as fuck mother isn’t Gangster….I don’t know what is…oh right…doing a collab with Billy Ray…shit….

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Achy Break Featuring Billy Ray with Twerking of the Day