Tag Archives: months-as-oil

Oil to Natural Gas Ratio

Hickey and Walters ( Bespoke ) submit: The ratio of oil to natural gas has really spiked again in recent months as oil has outperformed natural gas. (When the line is rising in the chart below, oil is outperforming natural gas, and vice versa for a declining line.) Last September, the ratio of oil to natural gas hit its highest level since at least 1995. After that peak, natural gas outperformed oil for a few months, but this trend reversed quickly once 2010 started. The average ratio since 1995 is 8.94, and it is currently more than twice that at 21.49. Complete Story

April Flowers?

Hickey and Walters ( Bespoke ) submit: This month has been a good one for the market, and bulls are sad to see it go. But April has historically been the best month of the year for the market. As shown below, the Dow has averaged a gain of 1.94% in April over the last 50 years. The next best month is December with a gain of 1.52%. (Click to enlarge) Complete Story