Tag Archives: currently-more

Why I’m Going to Avoid the Trailers for Super 8, and Why You Should Too

There are few films I’m currently more excited about than Super 8 . J.J. Abrams’ ode to ’70s-era Spielberg, James Horner’s Cocoon soundtrack , and Coach Taylor seems — to these tired eyes — to be the one “must-see-now-please” film of the summer. Take your Thors and Captain Americas and cowboys and aliens; give me the mystery of Abrams and his lens flare. This excitement is why you can expect me to ignore every future trailer for Super 8 from here on out. And it’s why you probably should as well.

Excerpt from:
Why I’m Going to Avoid the Trailers for Super 8, and Why You Should Too

Oil to Natural Gas Ratio

Hickey and Walters ( Bespoke ) submit: The ratio of oil to natural gas has really spiked again in recent months as oil has outperformed natural gas. (When the line is rising in the chart below, oil is outperforming natural gas, and vice versa for a declining line.) Last September, the ratio of oil to natural gas hit its highest level since at least 1995. After that peak, natural gas outperformed oil for a few months, but this trend reversed quickly once 2010 started. The average ratio since 1995 is 8.94, and it is currently more than twice that at 21.49. Complete Story

April Flowers?

Hickey and Walters ( Bespoke ) submit: This month has been a good one for the market, and bulls are sad to see it go. But April has historically been the best month of the year for the market. As shown below, the Dow has averaged a gain of 1.94% in April over the last 50 years. The next best month is December with a gain of 1.52%. (Click to enlarge) Complete Story

Analysts Ramping Up Forecasts of iPad Sales

Research Recap submits: As Saturday’s release of Apple’s ( AAPL ) much heralded iPad approaches, many analysts are cranking up their estimates of how many of the devices Apple will ship this year. A search on Alacra Pulse finds sales estimates ranging from 2.5 million to around 6 million through the end of 2010, rising to as many as 20 million by 2012. Morgan Stanley’s Kathryn Huberty upped the ante today, saying the company could ship around 6 million units in 2010 and 2.5 million units just in the March–May alone ( AllThingsD) . Complete Story

Equity Markets Retain Slim Gains

Brooks McFeely submits: 4:14 PM, Mar 29, 2010 — NYSE up 61.33 (0.8%) to 7,464.86. DJIA up 45 (0.4%) to 10,896. S&P 500 up 6.63 (0.57%) to 1,173. Nasdaq up 9.23 (0.4%) to 2,404. GLOBAL SENTIMENT Complete Story

Today in Commodities: Closing the Curtain on Q1

Matthew Bradbard submits: Yes folks, believe it or not Q1 is over this week. Crude is convincingly higher, closing above the 9 and 20 day MA for the first time in 8 days. We are abandoning all short strategies, as we said we would on a close above $82 in May. That is not to say we are getting long; we have advised clients to move to the sidelines. Buying was rejected in natural gas today with prices, as of this post, off their lows but 10 cents off their highs. We are almost at our threshold for pain on longs, so we most likely are close to turning around. New entries are advised to look at 50 cent call spreads in June; i.e.$4.00/4.50 or $4.25/4.75. Indices were all higher on the day but have yet to get above last Thursday’s highs. Whether we move higher or lower from here will likely be up to Friday’s NFP number. Complete Story