Tag Archives: more-as-kate

A Guide to Exactly How Sarah Jessica Parker Does It in Every Chick Flick

In this week’s new chick flick I Don’t Know How She Does It , Sarah Jessica Parker — she who had sex in the city, a bastion of modern female fabulosity and our generation’s go-to, couture-sheathed screen heroine in heels — attempts to solve the plight of the 21st century woman once more as Kate Reddy, a wife, mother of two, and financial analyst for a high-powered investment firm trying desperately to juggle “it all.” How many times do co-workers and colleagues ask her how she “does it?” A lot. That’s how much she’s doing. But it’s not the first time SJP’ s put her plucky feminine know-how to use in the movies to solve the routine problems of the modern woman.

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A Guide to Exactly How Sarah Jessica Parker Does It in Every Chick Flick