Tag Archives: more-depending

Lindsay Lohan’s Tits are Alright of the Day

I woke up to some gossip that I twittered about Lohan wanting to get pregnant to force her to sober up and escape the party life… I know it is some kind of PR bullshit being fed to the media, but it made me laugh because that kind of logic is what so many crackheads I know used in their family planning, making for a lot of future pornstars, broken and destroyed by a horribly upbringing. It’s up there with people having kids to get government money, cuz welfare has a program that pays you more depending on the number of kids you have, or the same logic Alba used, which was to save a failed relationship. All pretty sick, self-serving, borderline insanity…but the good news is that she’s got hot tits…

See original here:
Lindsay Lohan’s Tits are Alright of the Day