I’m sure most of you guys would like Bella Thorne to kill herself already, so I can stop doing posts on her. If that were the case, I’d have no more material to work with. Anyway, b%tch is hot so get over it. She is here to stay.
Movies teem with ridiculous dialogue, but only a few pop with memorably bad one-liners. Our friends at BuzzFeed compiled a list of 20 dubious movie lines, and while I’d have suggested more material from The Room or, say, anything in Black Swan , I’m more interested in what the Movieline hivemind thinks are worst. What say you, elite?
Welcome to another edition of THG’s Caption Contest ! Kate Gosselin. Sarah Palin. It’s hard to imagine a worse time camping (we hear there was zero chemistry ), or more material for your captions. So go to it! All you have to do is think of a caption for the photo and fire off a comment below. Leave one. Leave 20. It’s up to you. We’ll announce a winner Monday !