Tag Archives: more-practical

Christina Milian’s Hot Mom in a Bikini for B3 Caribbean of the Day

I have wanted to have sex with Christina Milan since masturbating to this video at least a dozen times when I didn’t have internet but did have access to MTV. I don’t really care that she’s older, fatter, a mom…..she still looks fucking awesome to me…with the perfect level of ethnicity to not scare me off….you know a gentle shade of caramel….and shapely body…and a whole lot of money thanks to co-writing Beiber songs that I would love to spend…as stepfathering her black baby as if he was my own….training him or grooming him to be Kardashian’s next boyfriend…to help keep the cycle of money making in entertainment alive for another generation…. [galllery]

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Christina Milian’s Hot Mom in a Bikini for B3 Caribbean of the Day

Fergie’s Leather Pants of the Day

Like a typical homosexual man dressed like a heterosexual, glammed out girl on her way out to a rager in the gay bar filled with cocaine and designer drugs….Fergie has slipped her old, haggard, ass that has seen many cock, but that remains so delicate and lovely and classy, into a pair of some leather looking pants…and for some reason….that may stem from holding her hand once….I want to lick this things off of her…you know slowly and drawn out until they disolve…just to get a chance to experience her genitals even with the 10 percent chance she has a set of testicles….I’m crazy like that…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Fergie’s Leather Pants of the Day

Bar Refeali Bikini Pic for Twitter of the Day

Bar Refaeli always ignores me when I whisper sweet nothings to her on Instagram and Twitter…you know asking her if she’d let me sing her love songs if I was a famous guy she could leverage for her own personal gain….I thought to an opportunist with a bad attitude…calling her out on those things would be considered romantic…but I guess I should have gone with a more practical approach…like discussing money making schemes that will take her to the next level of rich and famous…because that’s all she cares about… I know that these bikini pics come from a dark, greedy place to help sell her underwear line, in shameless self promotion instead of an honest place of “hey I got great tits, look at them”…. I really think she’s overrated…but hey…a bikini model in a bikini is still worth looking at.

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Bar Refeali Bikini Pic for Twitter of the Day

Renault Unveils DeZir 100% Electric Concept Supercar

Photo: Renault Zero to 60 in About 5 Seconds Concept cars can be annoying. The bad ones are a waste of time, and the good ones don’t always go into production, which is frustrating. But they’re still useful because they show us what engineers and designers are working on, and they give us clues about the future direction of car companies. This is why Renault’s DeZir electric concept car is interesting (DeZir is close to the French “désir”, which translates to “desire”), especially when taken along with Renault’s more practical

Originally posted here:
Renault Unveils DeZir 100% Electric Concept Supercar