Tag Archives: most-parents

Michael Douglas Speaks About His Son’s Jail Time

For most parents, having a kid in jail would be a total nightmare. For Michael Douglas, it’s a bit like waking up. The Wall Street actor sat appeared on the Today show…

Originally posted here:
Michael Douglas Speaks About His Son’s Jail Time

Folk singer killed by coyotes

http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/10/29/canada.singer.killed/index.html http://www.cbc.ca/canada/nova-scotia/story/2009/10/28/ns-coyote-attack-died.html In a rare occurrence, coyotes in Canada's Cape Breton Highlands National Park attacked the up-and-coming folk singer Taylor Mitchell. She was hiking alone when the attack occurred. Two other hikers came across the poor girl as she was being mauled and bitten.

See the original post here:
Folk singer killed by coyotes

Parents would rather talk drugs than science or math, study says

http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2009/10/survey-shows-parents-would-rather-talk-drug… There is a point in every family when it's time for the talk

Read the original here:
Parents would rather talk drugs than science or math, study says