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The Fundamentals of Your Own Spiritual Solutions

Find out more about Spiritual Solutions at www.deepakchopra.com Deepak provides a template to create your own spiritual solutions. The fundamental is very simple. Awareness can be contracted and you can get disconnected from the world, feel threatened. Awareness can be also expanded and you could feel connected and feel a sense of wholeness. Pure awareness is the state of consciousness where you feel one with the world. Our thoughts are only one component of awareness, but thought is not the most important aspect of how we experience reality; it is the finest level of feeling. As a start you need to determine in what state of awareness you happen to be in. Problems occur in contracted awareness. Solutions start to emerge and when you move move to expanded awareness. Love, compassion, joy and equanimity move you into expanded awareness. Read more on Deepak Chopra’s official website: www.deepakchopra.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com http://www.youtube.com/v/E83QK8wwFsI?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See more here: The Fundamentals of Your Own Spiritual Solutions


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The Fundamentals of Your Own Spiritual Solutions