Tag Archives: motorists-were

Tracy Mabb, Florida Crazy Woman, Poses For One of the Greatest Mug Shots Ever

Tracy Mabb may not be a celebrity, but she’s joined our celebrity mug shots gallery thanks to one of (if not the most) ridiculous booking photos ever. The 35-year-old Miami, Fla., resident was arrested for pulling her clothing up in a busy road and flashing ALL of her private parts to passing drivers. No word if her bizarre behavior was influenced by the coming zombie apocalypse in some way, but what is it with crazy people on Miami roads?! Unsuspecting motorists were forced into watching the impromptu freak/strip show as Tracy Mabb revealed her breasts, vagina and buttocks. Lovely. She acted in a “vulgar, indecent manner,” according to the police report. “I don’t give a f**k,” said the blonde non-bombshell when apprehended for her actions. No word if she was on bath salts and/or is a Muppet. Mabb was later charged with exposing sexual organs in public (that’s an actual law!) and was being held in jail on Wednesday on a $600 bond. Apparently she is also being held on a prior petty theft offense that allegedly took place April 8, according to Broward County court records.

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Tracy Mabb, Florida Crazy Woman, Poses For One of the Greatest Mug Shots Ever