Here is an old as fuck Kate Hudson showing off her moves an flexibility that she spends a lot of time working on – and that she’s a pro with – because she’s got nothing better to do with days are long when you don’t have an actual job… These are the moves that make me ask “how good does that bitch have to be in bed to make a dude who can fuck anything want to kill himself when she leaves, especially after knowing how she’s fucked everyone, or how she has a kid, and is just some broken rich kid you should just bang out and move on with your life….” They also remind me of all the dudes she’s had inside her well rounded ass… The post Kate Hudson’s Showing Off Her Fuck Moves of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Man, I can’t even think of the last time we had Ashley Judd on the site, and I’m too lazy to spend the 30 seconds it would take to look it up. Besides, after seeing these pictures of the 46-year-old hottie showing off that ageless cleavage of hers at something called the Moves Power Forum in New York, I can think of a much better way to spend those 30 seconds… Enjoy. Photos: Continue reading →
Here’s 2014 Playboy Playmate of the Year Kennedy Summers showing off a few of the moves that have helped make her one of my new favorite bikini models. Now I know some people prudes might complain that this picture is too suggestive, but come on, isn’t this how everybody drinks from a water bottle? It isn’t? Huh. No wonder I’ve been getting so many weird looks at the gym. Photos: Fameflynet
A day is not a day without Miley Cyrus doing a silly dance in short shorts with her tween sister who you know is probably more fucked up than Miley, while growing up in Miley’s shadow, and learning all the awful personality traits of a spoiled girl who provided the income for the family…you know showing the young one the moves needed when she turns to a life of porn, or wherever else sisters of successful girls who no one care about go to fill their void… Fun! TO SEE HER CONCERT PICS CLICK HERE
Here’s former Katie Price‘s protege Amy Willerton working on her fitness in some staged candid shots in London. I don’t know why these nobodies do this, but I wish they would at least ask for my services instead of some dude with a cheap camera on auto settings. Anyway, I’m digging the outfit and some of her moves. Especially this one ! Enjoy.
10-Year-Old Girl’s Mature Dance Moves Land Her Professional Gig A 10-year-old Cali-born hip hop and ballet dancer who caught the eye of music industry popstress Katy Perry with a twerk-filled dance routine video has popped her way into Hollyweird. via L.A. Times 10-year-old Kaycee Rice has always been talented. But with one little tweet from pop princess Katy Perry to her 38 million followers, Kaycee has now become a fully-fledged internet sensation. Katy posted a video from YouTube of Kaycee at a dance competition doing her hip hop solo to “Werqin’ Girl” by Shangela Laquifa, writing: ‘!!!WeRk!!!’ ‘It’s pretty exciting. We still don’t know how Katy found Kaycee and we had no idea it was on Twitter until one of her little fans sent it to her, otherwise we would never have known.’ Some may say that Kaycee’s routine may be deemed a little provocative, but Mrs Rice said: ‘It’s the performance, she’s not taking it home with her. I don’t worry about the moves as Kaycee doesn’t have a thought about what they are. She’s innocent and she’s not putting two and two together. It’s her being her, it’s the way she moves and that’s just her dance.’ Check out the video below of Kaycee’s routine, where she’s seen wearing jean booty shorts and a crop top while putting a host of professionally trained female dancers double her age to shame. The dance routine was choreographed by Missy Elliot’s choreographer Tricia Miranda, who has since taken Kaycee under her wing and even gave her a gig performing with one of Missy’s artists. Would you let your 10-year-old daughter do this? Dancing With YT/Kaycee
10-Year-Old Girl’s Mature Dance Moves Land Her Professional Gig A 10-year-old Cali-born hip hop and ballet dancer who caught the eye of music industry popstress Katy Perry with a twerk-filled dance routine video has popped her way into Hollyweird. via L.A. Times 10-year-old Kaycee Rice has always been talented. But with one little tweet from pop princess Katy Perry to her 38 million followers, Kaycee has now become a fully-fledged internet sensation. Katy posted a video from YouTube of Kaycee at a dance competition doing her hip hop solo to “Werqin’ Girl” by Shangela Laquifa, writing: ‘!!!WeRk!!!’ ‘It’s pretty exciting. We still don’t know how Katy found Kaycee and we had no idea it was on Twitter until one of her little fans sent it to her, otherwise we would never have known.’ Some may say that Kaycee’s routine may be deemed a little provocative, but Mrs Rice said: ‘It’s the performance, she’s not taking it home with her. I don’t worry about the moves as Kaycee doesn’t have a thought about what they are. She’s innocent and she’s not putting two and two together. It’s her being her, it’s the way she moves and that’s just her dance.’ Check out the video below of Kaycee’s routine, where she’s seen wearing jean booty shorts and a crop top while putting a host of professionally trained female dancers double her age to shame. The dance routine was choreographed by Missy Elliot’s choreographer Tricia Miranda, who has since taken Kaycee under her wing and even gave her a gig performing with one of Missy’s artists. Would you let your 10-year-old daughter do this? Dancing With YT/Kaycee