Tag Archives: movie-costs

Daniel Craig’s Lament: No Heineken, No Skyfall

“We have relationships with a number of companies so that we can make this movie. The simple fact is that, without them, we couldn’t do it. It’s unfortunate but that’s how it is. This movie costs a lot of money to make, it costs as nearly as much again if not more to promote, so we go where we can. The great thing is that Bond is a drinker, he always has been, it’s part of who he is, rightly or wrongly, you can make your own judgment about it, having a beer is no bad thing, in the movie it just happens to be Heineken.” Somewhere in Hell, Frank Booth weeps . (Link NSFW, obvs.) [ Moviefone via NYT ]

Continued here:
Daniel Craig’s Lament: No Heineken, No Skyfall