Tag Archives: much-annoying

Heidi Montag’s Tits at the Zoo of the Day

Heidi Montag is a waste of fucking space. I know the handful of people who can’t let go like to watch her bullshit purchased tits in various states of falling out of her bikini, but really we’d want to see any girl tit falling out of a bikini, hell, I’ve even been at the public pool staring at a 90 year old aquarobic class hoping one of their big vagina lips or big deflated tit would make it’s way out of the bathing suit, because that’s just what perverts do….but there’s just so much annoying about this bitch, that big bullshit purchased tits aren’t enough for me to ignore that I can’t stand her or anything she does because her bottom feeding isn’t crafty, interesting, fun or even clever, it’s obvious, mainstream and borderline retarded….and for some reason the people sitting at their offices surfing the net cuz they hate their lives love to eat it up…like they care if these idiots are married, divorced, pregnant, in a sex tape we haven’t seen clips of or not…it’s a real life Soap Opera only far less interesting….

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Heidi Montag’s Tits at the Zoo of the Day