Tag Archives: muscular-frame

J.Woww Upskirt on Live with Kelly Today of the Day

I don’t know what amazes me more…the fact that the network gave Kelly Ripa the whole Regis show to carry on her small, muscular frame alone…..or that she’s landing top tier guests that are the caliber of J.Woww and Snooki. I do know that J.Woww flashing her panties is pretty obvious expected behavior from trash with breast implants….I also know that even the least attractive, most annoying, midget monster trash like Snooki proves that if you’re on TV, or if you have a vagina, a dude somewhere will knock her up….especially when paid and for ratings…I mean shit, imagine that reality show…Snooki’s first Mom Years….the only good that will come from that is the kid will be taken away from social services….why the fuck am I talking about Snooki…..especially when J.Woww is flashing some panty…when we really should be debating why she wore underwear…cuz sluts have vaginas to be shown…not to be wrapped up and locked away…especially when on National TV…I guess she’s not the whore I thought she was…. So here’s the clip a homie sent into the site cuz that’s what we do here….we build community….togehter….now stop being a homo and watch the panties…


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J.Woww Upskirt on Live with Kelly Today of the Day

Pink Pregnant and Barefoot Monster of the Day

I still don’t believe that Pink’s got lady reproductive organs….and I’m not saying that to be funny, I’m saying that because of her broad muscular frame and her hard fucking face….but the rumor is that she is hiding an unwanted pregnancy for the baby that’s gonna come out of her wishing she had got an abortion cuz no one wants to be the kid with two dads. Take that Gay marriage. Here she is taking pregnancy by the balls and not letting it get in the way of her sex appeal your homo asses have been tricked into jerking off to….cuz nothing says pussy I want to fuck like pajama pants, an oversized hoddie while walking around barefoot…it’s reminscent of homeless sex with a single mother who’s lives in her station wagon but won’t let stop pretending the back alley is her own private piss filled living room… Here’s Pink lookin’ like she was Perez Hilton in his fat years… FOLLOW ME

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Pink Pregnant and Barefoot Monster of the Day