Tag Archives: music-classes

Nina Agdal’s Riding an Inflatable of the Day

Nina Agdal is some drunk Florida based hooker, who pretends she’s a bikini model, but is more of a party girl who fucks with rich dudes…and apparently inflatables, in what some of you may really find hot, possibly because of her tight bikini body and retard face, because you know when you find a retard with a good body, the chances of fucking her are higher than a girl who doesn’t have downs…or maybe because you’re one of those weirdos who likes rubbing against that inflated plastic…shaped like an marine mammal.. so hot…except for the Nina Agdal retard head…ruining everything because she ruins everything… The post Nina Agdal’s Riding an Inflatable of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Nina Agdal’s Riding an Inflatable of the Day

Lady Gaga is the Easter Bunny of the Day

Easter’s come early this year…and it looks like it smells like shit…. Lady Gaga is a modern day circus freak, who has played up being a circus freak, because being a circus freak, even for circus freaks, was a good thing for freaks, as it validated their existence, when before being a circus freak, they were just freaks shunned in the corner… So now the ugly girl who took music classes because no one wanted to be friends with her, has all the friends in the world…but deep down she knows..they just use her for her celebrity…and that her celebrity only exists in part due to her…but isn’t representative of the real her… She’s a fake, and too bad…she continues to exist… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Lady Gaga is the Easter Bunny of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Follow this link:
Lady Gaga is the Easter Bunny of the Day

So you say, you’ve got talent?

Read this article:

“Atlanta Casting and Talent” has openings for various positions in the film, theater and entertainment industry. YOU MUST have a background in these fields to apply. Positions available include instructors for acting, dance, voice and music classes; also stage/set design, sound, lighting, wardrobe, public relations, booking, security and building maintenance. The job fair is today, September 19 th , from 12 noon to 4 pm. Dress to impress, and bring you resumes to 572 Edgewood Ave. Ste 116, Atlanta, Georgia 30312. Be prepared for an immediate interview.  For more information call 404- 215- 7005.

So you say, you’ve got talent?