Tag Archives: naked-variety

Valerija Kelava for Mixt(e) of the Day

No idea who Valerija Kelava….but her name is pretty American sounding so I am gonna assume she’s from the Midwest, her dad is a car sales man, her mom a house wife…they have a suburban bungalow and she went to public school, where she dated the quarterback….and shopped at WalMart….where she was recruited to show her pussy for fashion….and decided to do it cuz it was better than working the local diner….and because it had nothing to do with trying to get her fucking green card…cuz she’s fucking American born and bred….and who fucking cares about her story…when you can just stare at her pussy.

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Valerija Kelava for Mixt(e) of the Day

Adriana Lima’s Hot Victoria’s Secret Photoshoot of the Day

Adriana Lima hasn’t quit…and I guess with the power of Photoshop she doesn’t have to…cuz bitch knows how to pose proper, it is kinda all she’s done the last decade…working with the best hair, make-up, lighting and photography people….the miracles of the industry that hide the unfortunate harsh reality of child birth, aging and being of latin and native roots, that genetically want your cute round ass to look like it belongs on a dorito eating mom….cuz in catalog shoots…of the most boring half naked variety…she looks pretty fucking decent…and I am forced to remain a fan….at least for now…cuz I am staring at her tits….and nothing else about her really matters….except maybe pointing out how obvious it is that she’s hiding her stretch mark, sloppy, fucking mom stomach…you see cuz even Adriana Lima has major insecurities and flaws…and we can all thank child birth for that…cuz children are the root of all evil. Here are the pics..

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Adriana Lima’s Hot Victoria’s Secret Photoshoot of the Day