Tag Archives: narayan-vyas

Krishna Take The Wheel: At Least 23 Kids In India Now Have AIDS Thanks To Tainted Transfusions At Government Hospital

Man, isht like this shouldn’t still be happening in the 21st century!!! At least 23 children suffering from a rare genetic disorder have tested positive for HIV after receiving tainted blood transfusions in western India, officials said Monday. The children all received free blood transfusions at a government-run hospital in the Junagadh district of Gujarat state between January and August, hospital head G.T. Dayalu said. State government spokesman Jai Narayan Vyas said a team of doctors has been sent to investigate. News reports quoted Vyas as saying that many of the infected children had received transfusions from more than one hospital. But the Indian Express newspaper reported that parents of the children said they had received blood only at the government hospital. The children suffer from thalassemia, a genetic disorder that requires regular transfusions. The children all belong to poor families. Damn. Are poor, Brown babies safe ANYWHERE on this planet? SMH Source

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Krishna Take The Wheel: At Least 23 Kids In India Now Have AIDS Thanks To Tainted Transfusions At Government Hospital