Tag Archives: near-the-middle

My name is Jackie and I met Justin at the Barclays Center meet…

My name is Jackie and I met Justin at the Barclays Center meet & greet on August 2nd, 2013. My mom bought me the meet and greet tickets during pre-sale as a surprise for my 16th birthday. She bought them in November and I hadn’t found out about them until March. I waited 6 months to meet my world. When the day finally came, I had work and had to take off early. On the way to the arena, I was having trouble breathing and thinking straight, I was so nervous. When I got to the arena, I was there an hour earlier then they told us to be so I ended up being the first person on line. They let us in and gave us the wristbands and raffle tickets. After everyone had been checked in, they led up down to the basement of Barclays for the pre-show party. By that point, I was shaking and I wasn’t able to eat anything because of the nerves. During the pre-show, they did a raffle and gave away some of Justin’s things like his t-shirt or sweat towel and I ended up winning his drum stick! Then when Justin was finally ready and behind the curtain, everyone ran to get in line. I was somewhere near the middle. When it was my turn to step in the curtain, I saw him standing there laughing and interacting with the fans and I couldn’t believe he was real. He’s even more perfect in person than in pictures, and seeing his smile made everything else fade away. When it was my turn to take my picture, I ran up to him and gave him a hug and he hugged me back. I had a whole speech planned to say to him but I was so shocked that the only thing that came out was, “I love you.” After I said that, he grabbed my arm, bent down a little so we were at eye level, pointed at me and said, “No I love you!” and giggled. When I pulled back from our hug I didn’t want to let go, which is why my hand is on his stomach in our picture. I left the curtain hysterically crying, I was barely able to control myself. It was by far the best night of my entire life and I wouldn’t trade my experience for the world. -@avonrauhI Read the original post: My name is Jackie and I met Justin at the Barclays Center meet…

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My name is Jackie and I met Justin at the Barclays Center meet…