Tag Archives: neck-swimming

Brooke Burns in her See Thru Shirt of the Day

The one thing that you’ll like about Brooke Burns, I mean other than the fact that she has a pussy and pussy is all you really care about because you rarely get to touch one, is the fact that she’s half robot, and as a virin loser comic book fan of Kevin Smith, a feature your dream girl has had since you were an action figure collecting 24 year old because she broke her neck swimming and has a neck made out of titanium which surprisingly appeals to me, not because I like robot women or sci fi like you, but I do like the crippled ones with serious injuries, who can predict the rain based on how much range of motion her neck has when sucking dick to the top, something that I guess she’s had limited capabilities to do because she’s pretty much a nobody now…. Pics via Bauer

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Brooke Burns in her See Thru Shirt of the Day