www.silverovergold.com The title of these videos might be a little harsh, but Anthony Robbins knows what he’s talking about! He gives a warning on the downturn in the stock market and how to make money off it. Investing in yourself first is VERY crucial. Before you try to make any money off a down turn in the market, being in control of yourself is the most important thing. My personal strategy is to invest in silver and inverse index ETF. Network marketing is another vehicle to take control of my financial situation. I’ll be putting up videos on my personal strategy to maximize my current state to make money off a down turn in the stock market. In the comments below, please list your personal strategies to profit off a market crash. Also comment if you have any questions. I’ll do my best to help you out and I hope you do the best to help me out. Remember to invest in yourself first, let’s do our best to help each other out the best we can during hard times! If you have any interest in getting into the BOOMING silver networking business, go to my Silver Snowball and Xag Network Webpages, read how they work, sign up, starting earning silver and money TODAY! Become a Friend on Facebook! www.facebook.com Become a Fan of SilverOverGold.com! www.facebook.com Silver Snowball Webpage: www.silversnowball.com Xag Network Webpage: xagnetwork.com http://www.youtube.com/v/SFnCmq5ufeM?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read the rest here: Tony Robbins on The Coming Economic Collapse (part 1)
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Tony Robbins on The Coming Economic Collapse (part 1)