Tag Archives: new-years

Oh Good, Here’s Gwyneth Paltrow With Some New Year’s Day Hangover Advice

When it all boils down to it, Gwyneth Paltrow , Oscar-winning actress-megamillionaire celebrity-Gleek-blogger extraordinaire, is just like us: She is so getting wasted on New Year’s Eve. Sure, her morning-after hangover advice includes words like “quinoa” and “Turkish Hammam,” but still! Gwyneth’s advice is mostly medically sensible-sounding, though I can’t promise your pocketbooks will appreciate these fancy tricks. Get her five best tips (*as parsed by your helpful Movieline editors) after the jump so you can battle the blinding, alcohol-induced post-binge blahs in grand Paltrow fashion come Sunday morning. Below, the five most useful selections from a GOOP newsletter post entitled ” The Hangover! “, which is accompanied by this message: “We all know what happens on NYE so here is our best to help you prepare for the day after… – Love, gp.” Oh, but first: Gwyneth gives us the official definition of a hangover, courtesy of Dr. Frank Lipman : “The reason why one gets a hangover is that your body – your liver in particular – is not able to process and metabolize the break down products from the alcohol quickly enough. In addition to needing enough enzymes, the liver also needs water to process and get rid of the toxins. When supplies run low, it takes water from other organs, including the brain. This is why alcohol is so dehydrating, and why you can wake up with a throbbing headache (and a dry mouth) from drinking too much.” Now you know. On to Gwyneth’s advice! 1. Visit a Turkish Hammam. Or a Japanese spa. Or, fine — just take a bath. “If you have the time and the inclination, I’ve found that the best hangover remedy can be a hot and cold spa treatment. The original would be the traditional Turkish Hamman,[sic] but you can find this kind of treatment in spas all over the world, including my favorites, the low-key Japanese spas in New York, like Osaka.” 2. Hydrate with expensive European water. “Hydration. Keep hydrating yourself with alkaline forming Italian sparkling mineral water ie Pellegrino.” 3. Ingest ” bioavailable ” vitamin protein drink thingies. “Eat properly before and after your evening by including protein and low glycemic index foods (solid fruits, watermelon, etc ) to counteract the sugar depletion caused by alcohol…The perfect protein drink to ingest before bed would be Nutritious and Delicious – 15 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 19 grams of carbohydrate no gluten, no soy.” 4. Eat protein- and carb-packed foodstuffs before your drinking binge. Good foods to eat, cited by Paltrow and her host of medical experts, include: Quinoa, chicken, fish, vegetables, watermelon, coconut water, Gatorade, ginger ale, Probiotic mints, Manuka honey sweets. 5. Take “Mercy,” a fantastic product that — my stars! — Paltrow also co-owns. “Full disclosure, this stuff is so good that I went ahead and invested in the company. Mercy is a drink that is almost like a health elixir – packed with amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbs that protect your system against the inevitable hangover and that flush you can get from drinking. You can drink it alone or mix it with alcohol to create a hangover preventing cocktail. I also drink one if I’m just feeling tired to give my system a boost.” Or, finally — and we could’ve told you this one — nurse that pounding headache with a little hair o’ the dog. Study up on even more Paltrow-endorsed bioflavono-whatsit-packed tips over at GOOP , and have a safe New Year’s Eve! You don’t want to end up looking like this on New Year’s Day, do you? [via GOOP ]

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Oh Good, Here’s Gwyneth Paltrow With Some New Year’s Day Hangover Advice