Wale‘s The Album About Nothing didn’t get nominated for a Grammy today, but he’s still making news because of his personal grievances. Somehow it involves Kendrick Lamar,…
Sadly there are no new nudes in theater today, but don’t sweat since no nudes is actually good news because it allows us to look back and see that July 17 has been home to some skinsational titles in the past! Hit the jump for more pics and info…
Here are some pics of Katherine Heigl looking like shit, which isn’t news because she’s a dumpy cunt who always looks like shit, but for some reson thinks she’s hot, because I guess she works in movies and people buy into marketing and things they say on TV, when anyone with a fucking penis and a brain knows, that this is the kind of girl you fuck cuz it is around and not something you masturbate to….ever. I am posting these pics cuz my good friend Speedmonkey saw her on the street yesterday, in this same outfit, and asked her for a pic, and she was a rude cunt to him, she either ignored him, or walked by him, or told him to fuck off….all things that deserve to be cunt punched out of her, cuz bitches like this aren’t supposed to have egos, they’re supposed to suck your dick cuz no one else is perverted or desperate enough to give them dick… Ya heard?