Tag Archives: news-regarding

Roy Halladay Dies In Plane Crash In Gulf Of Mexico

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Source: Rich Schultz / Getty According to CBS and other outlets, one time Philadelphia Phillies great Roy Halladay has passed away today in a small plane crash off the Gulf of Mexico. A little flying with pilot Roy @RoyHalladay pic.twitter.com/tOLxWyGldI — Hud (@nolanhudi) November 5, 2017   Halladay is a former eight-time All-Star pitcher for the Blue Jays (1998-2009) and the Phillies (2010-2013). He won the Cy Young Award in 2003 and 2010. Halladay is survived by his two children and his wife, Brandy. We will keep you updated with any news regarding this story. Source: CBS Philadelphia

Roy Halladay Dies In Plane Crash In Gulf Of Mexico

Breaking Dawn Part 2: Behind the Scenes…

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Kristen Stewart/ Robert Pattinson relationship update to bring you news regarding their upcoming professional project together. Something about vampire and werewolves and hybrid young girls. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? Summit Entertainment has released a new Breaking Dawn Part 2 featurette, which takes fans behind the scenes of the November 16 release. Click Play now and listen to stars such as Stewart, Pattinson, Ashley Greene and others give us an idea of what to expect next month: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Featurette

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Breaking Dawn Part 2: Behind the Scenes…

Nephew of Rick Santorum: Vote Ron Paul!

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum catapulted himself to the top tier of the Republican presidential race this week, losing the Iowa caucus by just eight votes. With newly-minted contender status comes increased scrutiny, however. Santorum was booed off stage in New Hampshire yesterday for comments about gay marriage. Not everyone in his own family is convinced he’s up to the task, either. This week his nephew penned an editorial for the Daily Caller in support of … Ron Paul. “If you want another big-government politician who supports the status quo to run our country, you should vote for my uncle, Rick Santorum,” John Garver writes. Garver, a 19-year-old student at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, continues: “America is based on a strong belief in individual liberty. My uncle’s interventionist policies, both domestic and foreign, stem from his irrational fear of freedom not working . It is not the government’s job to dictate to individuals how they must live. The Constitution was designed to protect individual liberty. My Uncle Rick cannot fathom a society in which people cooperate and work with each other freely. When Republicans were spending so much money under President Bush, my uncle was right there along with them as a senator. The reason we have so much debt is not only because of Democrats, but also because of big-spending Republicans like my Uncle Rick. It is because of this inability of status quo politicians to recognize the importance of our individual liberties that I have been drawn to Ron Paul. Unlike my uncle, he does not believe the American people are incapable of forming decisions. He believes that an individual is more powerful than any group (a notion our founding fathers also believed in). Another important reason I support Ron Paul is his position on foreign policy. He is the only candidate willing to bring our troops home, not only from the Middle East, but from around the world. Ron Paul seems to be the only candidate trying to win the election for a reason other than simply winning the election. This year, I’ll vote for an honest change in our government. I’ll vote for real hope. I’ll vote for a real leader. This year, I will vote for Ron Paul.” The candidates square off, along with frontrunner Mitt Romney , in debates Saturday night and Sunday morning in New Hampshire, which holds its primary Tuesday. Expect fireworks.

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Nephew of Rick Santorum: Vote Ron Paul!

Nick Cannon to Be Released from Hospital, Wife Tweets

Mariah Carey has good news regarding her ailing husband. Just a couple days after saying that Nick Cannon was in ” a lot of pain ” due what has been described as mild kidney failure, the singer updated fans today via another Tweet. With a laptop, balloons and gorgeous wife by his side, things could be a lot worse for Nick Cannon. “Nick is in stable condition with a good prognosis, hopefully he’ll be discharged within 2 days,” Carey wrote this afternoon, adding: “As always he’s laughing and in good spirits.” She also included the following caption with the new photo, posted above: “Thank you everyone for all the love & concern.”

See original here:
Nick Cannon to Be Released from Hospital, Wife Tweets