Earlier this week, Elizabeth Hurley attended a charity function as part of London Fashion Week. The event was titled “The Love Ball” and benefited The Naked Heart Foundation. That’s apt, because the British actress showed up in a see-through saree that put the body part closet to her heart on full display. Check it out: A source told The London Telegraph that Hurley donned this outfit to please husband Arun Nayar . “Arun is quite old-fashioned about these things,” the insider said. “She is doing this to please him. It’’s her publicly accepting that she is his woman.” Showing one’s bare boob to the world is an odd way of proving that one is truly off the market, but who are we to judge? All we can say is this: Hugh Grant, you’re a moron.
Originally posted here:
Pssst, Elizabeth Hurley: We Can See Your Boob