Tag Archives: nixon-arrested

SMH: Former MLB Star Otis Nixon Popped By One-Time After Cops Find Crack In His Car

Damn homie , back in the day you was the man homie. What the hell happened to you? Otis Nixon Arrested For Crack Possession According to TMZ Former MLB star Otis Nixon was arrested over the weekend in Atlanta after cops say they discovered a crack pipe and what appeared to be several crack rocks inside his car … and it seems he’s using the infamous “the crack belongs to my son” defense. According to an incident report from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, 54-year-old Nixon was pulled over just after midnight on Saturday after witnesses called police to report a Dodge Ram weaving all over the road. During the stop, Nixon — who played for the Braves, Indians and Expos — was searched … and cops say they found a pipe for smoking crack cocaine in Nixon’s pants pocket and an item believed to be a crack rock in the driver’s seat. But that’s not all … cops say they found ANOTHER pipe and more suspected crack rocks in the floor board of the driver’s side … along with even more drug paraphernalia. Now get this — according to the report, Nixon told the sheriff’s deputy that the substance they found in his car was indeed crack cocaine, but he said the pipes and drugs belonged to HIS SON and that he had been planning to get rid of the pipe. Police say they conducted field sobriety tests and determined Nixon was NOT under the influence of crack cocaine or alcohol. Nixon was arrested on charges of possession of cocaine and possession of a drug-related object. Nixon — who played 17 seasons in the bigs and stole 620 career bases — is still in custody. Bail has been set at $11,880. We think this might be Nixon’s come to Jesus moment. When your caught by the police with crack in your car, you’ve hit rock bottom. AP

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SMH: Former MLB Star Otis Nixon Popped By One-Time After Cops Find Crack In His Car