Tag Archives: nolan-chart

Monalisa’s smile mystery solved

The famous smile of Mona Lisa, the magnum opus of Leonardo da Vinci, is no more a secret as scientists have decoded the technique how the Renaissance-era painter created a special effect to show the enigmatic expression. http://hoowstuffworks.blogspot.com/2010/08/monalisas-smile-mystery-solved.html added by: karthikmns

Libertarians VS Republicans/Democrats at UNC Street Fair 8/22/2010

8/22/20108/23/2010 The UNC Libertarian Club (volunteers Stephanie Davis & David Deerson) team up with the Libertarian Party of North Carolina (representatives Mike Shanklin & Amanda Owens) to administer the politically homeless quiz (nolan chart) at the University of North Carolina Street Fair. Mike Shanklin and Amanda Owens end up going to both opponents' tables and asking questions about their positions (or lack there of). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97XscrL_PtM added by: shanklinmike